Dear Friend of Unity Through Creativity,
Our hearts are with all the people in our world going through disasters - from those dealing with the destruction of human violence to those dealing with catastrophic consequences of recent weather disasters. These include the floods in the east of the U.S. and the fires happening now in Los Angeles.
Five years after the Camp Fire in 2018, the deadliest fire in California history, Singing Tree Facilitator Bobbie Rae Jones invited people whose lives were impacted by the fire to envision and create a new future. They created the chalk mandala shown below. In times like these it is important for us to harness the power of art to grieve together and remember the beauty of the world we’ve all been blessed with.

"I'm reminded of the oak and the acorn and the struggle to become something strong and beautiful through adversity." -Rebekah Dodson, Camp Fire Survivor

May we all stay safe, keep our hearts open and help our neighbors.
The UTC Team