Dear Friend of Unity Through Creativity,
This is a time to celebrate Selfless Acts of Love. This is a time to focus on living in generosity and for a higher purpose. This is a time to look to those among us who live with courage and kindness and authenticity.
Each month, we will be devoting one week to celebrating Selfless Acts of Love. Please join with us in these moments as we turn our attention away from the calamity and inhumanity so prominent in the news today and towards what is noble and good in human beings.
The Jane Goodall Singing Tree of Love Mural celebrates our treasured elder who lifts us up with her passion for all the living beings of our Mother Earth.

In 2018 Ross Holzman, founder of Create Peace Project, and I co-designed and painted the background for the mural. We took it to the Roots and Shoots Conference on Chrissy Field in San Francisco. Jane Goodall came to see the many projects of 300 young people at the gathering and spoke to us about the impact a person can have. Inspired by Jane, the young activists drew imagery on the leaves that expressed what they love the most in the world.
Today the mural is installed on the Primate House of the San Francisco Zoo.

In The Book of Hope, Jane Goodall describes how depression can come from not being able to set realistic goals. In the face of overwhelming chaos, there will be many paths to build a just and equitable world. UTC and the Singing Tree Mural Project offer a practical path of achieving a realistic goal. Through creating collaborative paintings that express our shared values, we build compassion, trust, and community. Living in beauty and creativity, in harmony with nature, is an ideal that can guide us through chaos and unkindness as we strive to find connection with others and hold on to what is best in ourselves and the world.
Laurie and the UTC Team