Collaborative Murals
April 30, 2019
Howard Elementary Peace Dance Mural
"Peace Dance Mural" made with Howard Elementary School, Oakland, CA in partnership with Create Peace Project
April 15, 2018
Lu Sutton Elementary Reading Garden Mural
The Lu Sutton Elementary Reading Garden Mural in Novato, CA.
April 19, 2017
The Dream Mural
"The Dream Mural", was inspired by “The Big Orange Splot” by Daniel Pinkwater.
May 14, 2016
Monroe Elementary Nature Mural
Nature Mural made with Monroe Elementary School, San Francisco, CA and Create Peace Project
May 5, 2013
Grant Grover Mural
This Mural was made with Grant Grover School for college-aged students with special needs.
April 7, 2011
We Must Care for the Earth Mural
"We Must Care for the Earth" by Grant Grover Very Special Students 8' x 12'
January 20, 2006
Wall of Care
Wall of Care was made by 5th graders from Helen S Faison Elementary School in Pittsburgh, PA.
June 17, 2005
The Wheel of Feelings
4' x 4' outside of the triptych, where 4th graders each made an image of an important feeling.
October 19, 2003
I Myself am That
A Celebration of the Spirit of McKees Rocks. This 95-foot long mural was completed through the Sproutfund’s Mural Project.
April 12, 2003
Department of the Interior "Consensus Building" Through Art
A 40-foot by 8-foot mural, acrylic painted on wood panels.
January 12, 2003
Westinghouse High School Murals
In 2003, Laurie Marshall was an Artist-in-Residence at Westinghouse High School and made 4 murals.
January 10, 2003
Auberle Foster Home Murals
Paintings by the Target, Pact and Gate Programs of Auberle Foster Home, Pittsburgh, PA
June 1, 2000
This is Our World
The mural you are looking at was made by 13 Upper School students at Hearthstone School.
May 1, 1999
The Web of Life
The web of life was an interdisciplinary arts and curriculum project.
February 1, 1998
Education is the Handmaiden of Democracy
Made by Advanced Art Students at Rappahannock County High School.
January 1, 1997
The Youth of Rappahannock
45 Art students from Rappahannock County High School in Washington, Virginia.
January 6, 1996
ACB Series: Three Steps in Conflict Resolution (Air-Clarify-Brainstorm)
All the 480 students of Rappahannock County High School (RCHS), Washington, VA, were invited to work on these three 8' x 8' portable murals.
May 1, 1990
How in the World
Mural was made with Fauquier County (Virginia) Junior High Schools through the Department of Parks and Recreation.